31 Agustus 2008

Needle for Multihead Embroidery

With todays machines in the field of single and multihead embroidery there is no limit to creativity. This is also the why during the past years the variety of different embroidery materials has increased rapidly. Especially three-dimensional embroidery, embroidery on leather and technical textiles with different layers of material and coatings, combined with high machine speeds, is in many cases an extreme challenge for the embroidery machine needle.
In design and precision Groz-Beckert embroidery machine needles have adopted the requirements of the market.
Market requirements are:
• Optimum embroidery appearance
• High functional safety
• Reduced needle breakage
• Reduced thread breakage
• Reduced machine downtime
• High production efficiency

DB x K5 Needle
The original needle for single- and multihead embroidery. The needle system DB x K5 was especially developed for the use in modern high performance machines. During research and development the following points had to be considered:
• Reduction of skipped stitches and thread breakage
• Maximum protection of thread and material
• Safe thread loop pick up
• Best universal point style
• Eliminate looping
• Optimum stitch fill (no gaps)

Our tips utilizes needle accords recommended default plant wide maker its machine, example that utilize Groz Beckert's embroidery machine Needle is: Tajima, Barudan, SWF, Yonthin.

03 Agustus 2008

Pemakaian Jarum Bordir

Jangan sepelekan penggunaan jenis jarum untuk mesin bordir anda, merk dan nomer/type jarum perlu anda perhatikan sesuai dengan jenis bordiran atau bahan kain yang akan dibordir.

Saran kami gunakan merk jarum sesuai standar yang direkomendasikan pabrik pembuat mesinnya, contoh merk mesin Bordir Komputer yang menggunakan Jarum Groz Beckert (bukan Iklan lho......) sepengetahuan kami adalah : Tajima, Barudan, SWF, dan Yonthin.

Pengaruhnya? Kualitas hasil bordiran, frekuensi putus benang, efisiensi produksi dan umur jarum.